Unleashing the Power of COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) in PostgreSQL
Image by Klaus - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) in PostgreSQL

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Are you tired of wrestling with complex SQL queries to get the desired results? Do you find yourself stuck in a rut, struggling to count distinct values while partitioning by specific columns? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to embark on a journey to master the mighty COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) construct in PostgreSQL!


The COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) expression is a powerful tool in PostgreSQL that allows you to count the number of unique values in a column or expression, while partitioning the result set by one or more columns. It’s a game-changer for data analysis, reporting, and business intelligence.


Let’s break down the syntax:

  • COUNT(DISTINCT ): Counts the number of unique values in the specified expression.
  • OVER (PARTITION BY , , ...): Divides the result set into partitions based on the specified columns.


The COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) expression is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  1. Data Aggregation: When you need to aggregate data by groups, such as counting unique customers by region or product category.
  2. Data Analysis: To analyze data distributions, trends, and patterns across different segments.
  3. Business Intelligence: To create reports, dashboards, and data visualizations that provide insights into business performance.
  4. Data Quality: To identify and remove duplicate records or inconsistencies in your data.

Examples and Use Cases

Let’s dive into some concrete examples to illustrate the power of COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …).

Example 1: Counting Unique Customers by Region

SELECT region, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) OVER (PARTITION BY region) AS unique_customers
FROM customers;
Region Unique Customers
North 100
South 80
East 120
West 90

Example 2: Counting Unique Products by Category

SELECT category, COUNT(DISTINCT product_id) OVER (PARTITION BY category) AS unique_products
FROM products;
Category Unique Products
Electronics 50
Furniture 30
Clothing 40
Home Goods 20

Example 3: Counting Unique Orders by Customer

SELECT customer_id, COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id) AS unique_orders
FROM orders;
Customer ID Unique Orders
1 5
2 3
3 2
4 4

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you master COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …):

  • Use it with other aggregate functions: Combine COUNT(DISTINCT …) with other aggregate functions, such as SUM, AVG, or MAX, to gain deeper insights into your data.
  • Partition by multiple columns: Partition your data by multiple columns to drill down into specific segments and gain a more nuanced understanding of your data.
  • Use it with subqueries: Use COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) in subqueries to perform complex data analysis and reporting.
  • Optimize performance: Use indexing and optimize your database configuration to improve performance when using COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …).


In conclusion, COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) is a powerful tool in PostgreSQL that can help you unlock hidden insights in your data. By mastering this construct, you’ll be able to perform complex data analysis, reporting, and business intelligence tasks with ease. Remember to use it with other aggregate functions, partition by multiple columns, and optimize performance to get the most out of this powerful feature.

So, the next time you’re faced with a complex data analysis challenge, don’t hesitate to reach for COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …)! With practice and patience, you’ll become a PostgreSQL ninja, slicing and dicing your data with ease and precision.

Happy coding, and may the data be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to boost your PostgreSQL skills with these frequently asked questions about COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …)

What is the purpose of using COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) in PostgreSQL?

The COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) function in PostgreSQL is used to count the number of unique values in a column, partitioned by one or more other columns. It’s a window function that allows you to perform calculations across a set of rows that are related to the current row, in this case, counting distinct values within each partition.

How does the PARTITION BY clause affect the COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (…) function?

The PARTITION BY clause divides the result set into partitions, and the COUNT(DISTINCT …) function is applied to each partition separately. This means that the function will count the number of unique values in the specified column within each partition, rather than across the entire result set.

Can I use COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) with other aggregate functions?

Yes, you can combine COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) with other aggregate functions, such as SUM, AVG, and MAX, to perform more complex calculations. However, be careful when combining window functions with aggregate functions, as the result may not be what you expect.

How does the ORDER BY clause interact with COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …)?

The ORDER BY clause is not directly related to the COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) function. However, if you’re using an OVER clause with a window function, the ORDER BY clause can be used to specify the order in which the function is applied. In the case of COUNT(DISTINCT …), the ORDER BY clause would only affect the order in which the distinct values are counted, not the final result.

Are there any performance considerations when using COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …)?

Yes, using COUNT(DISTINCT …) OVER (PARTITION BY …) can have performance implications, especially when dealing with large datasets. This is because the function needs to maintain a set of distinct values for each partition, which can be memory-intensive. To mitigate this, consider using indexes, optimizing your query, and experimenting with different window functions.