Unlocking Cross-Project Firestore Access: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Klaus - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking Cross-Project Firestore Access: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of feeling locked out of your Firestore database, wondering how to access it from another project within the same Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ecosystem? Worry no more! In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into the world of cross-project Firestore access, providing you with clear, direct instructions to make the most of your GCP projects.

Problem Statement: Why Can’t I Access My Firestore Database?

Imagine you have two GCP projects: Project A and Project B. Project A has a Firestore database set up and running smoothly, storing valuable data for your application. Meanwhile, Project B, also deployed in the same GCP, needs to access that same Firestore database to perform specific tasks or retrieve data. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, due to security and access control restrictions, Project B can’t directly access Project A’s Firestore database – at least, not without proper configuration and authentication.

The Solution: Enabling Cross-Project Firestore Access

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! To access your Firestore database from another project, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Configure IAM Permissions

  • Set up a Service Account

  • Generate and Manage Service Account Keys

  • Grant Firestore Access to the Service Account

  • Authenticate Your Service Account in Project B

  • Access Firestore Database from Project B

Step 1: Configure IAM Permissions

In this step, you’ll need to grant the necessary permissions to the service account that will be used to access the Firestore database from Project B.

// Navigate to the IAM & Admin page in the Google Cloud Console
// Select Project A and click on "IAM"
// Click on "Add" and select "New service account"
// Choose "Furnish a new private key" and select "JSON" as the key type
// Click "Create" to create the service account

Once you’ve created the service account, you’ll need to grant it the necessary permissions. You can do this by adding the following roles:

Role Description
Cloud Firestore Admin Grants full control over Firestore, including read, write, and delete operations.
Cloud Firestore User Grants read-only access to Firestore data.

Step 2: Set up a Service Account

Now that you have the service account created, you’ll need to set up the service account credentials in Project B.

// Create a new file named "service-account.json" in Project B
// Copy the generated JSON key file from Step 1 and paste it into the "service-account.json" file
// Make sure to update the "project_id" field to match Project B's ID

Step 3: Generate and Manage Service Account Keys

In this step, you’ll need to generate and manage the service account keys.

// Navigate to the IAM & Admin page in the Google Cloud Console
// Select Project A and click on "IAM"
// Click on the three vertical dots next to the service account email and select "Create key"
// Choose "JSON" as the key type and click "Create"

Make sure to store the generated key securely and update the “service-account.json” file in Project B with the new key.

Step 4: Grant Firestore Access to the Service Account

Now, you’ll need to grant Firestore access to the service account.

// Navigate to the Firestore database in Project A
// Click on "Permissions" and then click on "Add member"
// Enter the service account email and select the "Cloud Firestore Admin" role
// Click "Add" to grant access

Step 5: Authenticate Your Service Account in Project B

In this step, you’ll need to authenticate your service account in Project B using the generated key.

// Import the necessary Firebase modules in Project B
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';

// Initialize the Firebase app with the service account credentials
  credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
  projectId: 'project-b-id',

// Get a reference to the Firestore database
const db = firebase.firestore();

Step 6: Access Firestore Database from Project B

The final step is to access the Firestore database from Project B using the authenticated service account.

// Perform a simple read operation to test Firestore access
db.collection('collection-name').get().then(querySnapshot => {
  querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
    console.log(documentSnapshot.id, '=>', documentSnapshot.data());

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues during this process, here are some common solutions:

  • Make sure the service account has the necessary permissions and roles.

  • Verify that the service account key is properly generated and updated in Project B.

  • Check that the Firestore database is properly configured and accessible in Project A.

  • Ensure that the correct project ID is used when initializing the Firebase app in Project B.


With these steps, you should now be able to access your Firestore database from Project B, which is deployed in the same GCP as Project A. Remember to follow the best practices for securing your service account credentials and granting least privilege access to your Firestore database.

By unlocking cross-project Firestore access, you’ll be able to harness the full potential of your GCP projects, enabling seamless data sharing and collaboration across your organization.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences and insights in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about accessing your Firestore Database from another project? We’ve got answers!

Q1: Can I access my Firestore Database from another project?

Yes, you can! Google Cloud Platform (GCP) allows you to access your Firestore Database from another project as long as you have the necessary permissions and credentials set up.

Q2: How do I set up access to my Firestore Database from Project B?

To set up access, you’ll need to create a service account in Project B, generate a private key file, and then use that key file to authenticate your Firestore client in Project A. You may also need to configure IAM permissions to allow access.

Q3: What kind of permissions do I need to set up?

You’ll need to set up IAM permissions to allow the service account in Project B to access the Firestore Database in Project A. You can do this by granting the necessary roles, such as “Cloud Firestore Viewer” or “Cloud Firestore Editor”, to the service account.

Q4: How do I handle authentication when accessing the Firestore Database from Project B?

You’ll need to use the service account credentials to authenticate your Firestore client in Project B. You can do this by creating a credential object with the service account private key file and then passing that credential to the Firestore client.

Q5: Are there any security concerns I should be aware of when accessing the Firestore Database from another project?

Yes, there are! When accessing the Firestore Database from another project, you should be aware of the potential security risks, such as unauthorized access or data breaches. Make sure to follow best practices for securing your service account credentials and configuring IAM permissions.

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